To volunteer on campus each person must fill out a volunteer form to be held on file in the main office. Grandparents are also welcome to volunteer!
Want to be a part of the Wildwood Parents Club next year? We have many positions available - from technology, art, teacher appreciation or community events - there’s something for everyone!
After School Enrichment Team
Help us decide on the variety and focus of the after school classes offered at Wildwood. Sign up to volunteer on campus and finish in 5-10 minutes or from home researching vendors and parent correspondence.
Please contact us at: wwafterschoolenrichment@gmail.com
if you are an interested volunteering.
Book Fair Committee
Looking For A Good Book? The Scholastic Book Fair in the Fall is an annual fundraising event that encourages our kids to read, helps fill the shelves of our kids’ classrooms and the Wildwood library, and is open to the community. Over 5 days in the school auditorium, children and adults can browse the latest books from Scholastic and find recommendations from our librarian and teachers. In addition to a Book Fair Coordinator, other volunteers are needed for setting up and packing up, as well as work shifts over the course of the book fair.
Questions? Please contact the Book Fair Committee:
Morgan Driskill
Community FUNdraising
The Community FUNdraising team is responsible for all of the wonderful events and fundraisers that Wildwood has through out the year: Harvest Festival, WinterFest, Spring Festival, Summer Read-a-thon, etc. They organize dinners, bake & craft sales, community togetherness events and more. They work closely with other teams like SERVES, Hospitality, etc. We'd love to add you to the team!
For more info, please contact the Fundraising Committee.
Hospitality Team & Teacher Appreciation
This group coordinates potluck/catered luncheons for the teachers, in addition to daily festivites for Teacher Appreciation week. Hospitality includes coordinating play dates for incoming kindergarteners as well parent coffees, the Winterfest bakesale and more.
To learn more, please contact the Hospitality Committee.
Hot Lunch Volunteers
Lunch distribution is managed by Mr. Do and a parent volunteer. Opportunities are available M thru F, 11: 30am-12:30pm. Each grade is responsible for filling in two week stretches. If you really enjoy seeing your student at lunch time, you can help other grades by picking any slots here.
Contact Jeannie Liang with any questions.
Library Volunteers
Wildwood's Library relies heavily on all our wonderful volunteers. To join our dedicated library volunteer team or to help out occasionally when your child's class attends please contact us.
Robin Ludmer
Wildwood Librarian
Liz Cha-Foster
Wildwood Library Assistant
Volunteer Coordinators:
Lisa Taylor and Melanie Shartsis
Room Parents
Room parents act as a contact person for the class. They are the class treasurer, the communication hub, classroom volunteer coordinator and helps the teacher coordinate special events, like holiday celebrations, field trips, or other special projects. This is a great volunteer position for parents not able to be physically on campus as it’s mostly email based.
Please contact the Room Parent Coordinator, if you are interested in being a room parent or for more information!
Wildwood Dads Club
Join the Dads Club to connect with other dads at Wildwood! We host a number of fun events throughout the year, including a Welcome Dads BBQ, the Pumpkin Patch, Crab Feed and Book Fair BBQs. These events have funded many school improvements.
Click here for more information!
Traffic Safety
The Traffic Safety team shares the Guidelines for safe driving during drop off and pick up. Sign up to help with traffic safety here.
Please email the Wildwood Parents Club at wildwoodparentsclub@gmail.com if you'd like to be the traffic patrol recruiter!
Site Council
Site Council is a group of teachers, classified employees, administrators, and parents who work with the Principal to develop, review, and evaluate the Single Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA). Recognizing the importance of our work together as a Tri-School Elementary Program, the Beach, Havens, and Wildwood Site Councils meet together to develop and implement these plans. All meetings are open to the entire school community. Group meets monthly.
Please contact our Site Council Representatives with any questions or issues: Clara Chao, Patrick Lang, or Adam Fishman.
SERVES Committee
Student Engagement, Responsibility, and Volunteerism in our Elementary Schools.
Help to teach our students learn the importance of service and to serve our community. Meet and work with representatives from Beach and Havens to craft community service opportunities for students and families to take part in throughout the year.